For a FULL refund the request must be 14 business days before the event.

For 50% refund the request must be 7 business days before the event.

We will be monitoring COVID restrictions and will be following COVID-safe protocols. In the event of a lockdown or COVID restrictions that disable the ability to run a face-to-face conference we will pivot to a virtual conference or hybrid format depending on the restrictions. Your delegate bag will be shipped to you.

If you are unwell please do not attend the conference in-person. You will be given virtual access to the conference. No refunds will be processed outside of the refund policy.

ATOM Qld Inc is not registered for GST, (we are a non-profit teaching association run by volunteers) however, for tax invoice purposes, our ABN is: 51 081 593 357

Please fill in the dietary requirements section of the registration form. Use as much detail as needed and specify specific allergies and intolerances. Bond University is committed to the provision of high-quality food to its students, staff and visitors through the implementation of its Food Safety Program. Levels of reactions to allergens vary; with some reactions being simply due to proximity (airborne) and other occurring only after consumption of the allergen. Foods that contain allergens are prepared, cooked and served on campus. We are unable to guarantee that the food produced or served on campus is free of allergenic material.

I consent to be photographed, filmed and recorded in any medium, by any staff of ATOM and ATOM QLD, Bond University, Essential Screen Skills, or the professional photographer. I consent to and authorise the use and disclosure of the photographs and moving images as part of ATOM and ATOM QLD, Bond University, or Essential Screen Skills media release, publication or on the world wide web for any related purpose.

Proceed to the register now button at the top right hand corner of the Website.